Spring Cleanup & Education - volunteer opportunities!
Here is a list of opportunities coming up in April and May where you can get out and do some good in the local areas:
Saturday April 1 - 10am to noon
Millard Park Cleanup - 35 Ravine Drive, Highland Park. Help clean up one of the ravines in a stream that feeds into Lake Michigan. For more info:
Saturday April 15 - 9am to noon
Join the SE Wisconin TU Chapter on their Spring Workday on Bluff Creek in Walworth County, WI. For more info:
Wednesday May 17 (8:30am to 2pm)
Duker School Outdoor Program in McHenry, IL. this coming May. Volunteers needed to help demonstrate fly casting and fly tying to the students. For more info: https://garyborger.tu.org/blog-posts/volunteers-wanted-for-outdoor-program-on-may-1617-2023