Images and Videos

Gallery BY Doug.Agee ON February 7, 2014 - 0 COMMENTS
This river restoration project included removing river platforms and replacing them with new structures.  New posts were set in place using water pressure to drill holes in the river bottom.  On top of the posts, structures were built by repurposing logs and wood from the old platforms.  This col
TU Project on Main Branch of Au Sable River|/galleries/tu-project-on-main-branch-of-au-sable-river|gallery|30816|,
This river restoration project included removing river platforms and replacing them with new structures.  New posts were set in place using water pressure to drill holes in the river bottom.  On top of the posts, structures were built by repurposing logs and wood from the old platforms.  This col
TU Project on Main Branch of Au Sable River|/galleries/tu-project-on-main-branch-of-au-sable-river|gallery|30816|,
This river restoration project included removing river platforms and replacing them with new structures.  New posts were set in place using water pressure to drill holes in the river bottom.  On top of the posts, structures were built by repurposing logs and wood from the old platforms.  This col
TU Project on Main Branch of Au Sable River|/galleries/tu-project-on-main-branch-of-au-sable-river|gallery|30816|,
This river restoration project included removing river platforms and replacing them with new structures.  New posts were set in place using water pressure to drill holes in the river bottom.  On top of the posts, structures were built by repurposing logs and wood from the old platforms.  This col
TU Project on Main Branch of Au Sable River|/galleries/tu-project-on-main-branch-of-au-sable-river|gallery|30816|,
This river restoration project included removing river platforms and replacing them with new structures.  New posts were set in place using water pressure to drill holes in the river bottom.  On top of the posts, structures were built by repurposing logs and wood from the old platforms.  This col
TU Project on Main Branch of Au Sable River|/galleries/tu-project-on-main-branch-of-au-sable-river|gallery|30816|,
This river restoration project included removing river platforms and replacing them with new structures.  New posts were set in place using water pressure to drill holes in the river bottom.  On top of the posts, structures were built by repurposing logs and wood from the old platforms.  This col
TU Project on Main Branch of Au Sable River|/galleries/tu-project-on-main-branch-of-au-sable-river|gallery|30816|,
Gallery BY Doug.Agee ON November 15, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Enter gallery name
Enter gallery name|/galleries/enter-gallery-name-1|gallery|28046|,
Gallery BY amanda_heidtke ON June 26, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
favorite gear
favorite gear|/galleries/favorite-gear|gallery|21090|,
Gallery BY Brennan ON June 21, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Little Truckee
Little Truckee|/galleries/little-truckee|gallery|21024|,