Gary Borger Chapter #596 Blog

This is a summary of all this year's activities from the Gary Borger Chapter, with highlights on where we contributed money and volunteer hours to... Read More
For our December meeting at the Miramar we will celebrate the holidays with a Gift Exchange! Read More
Recently we lost a great friend and passionate fisherman, Gregory A. Heiser. See obituary for Greg  Read More
Join us on Thurs Nov 10 at Miramar Bistro in Highwood for our November meeting. Our featured speaker is Nicole Watson from the MSU Department of... Read More
On September 10, 2022 members of the GBTU Chapter joined with the Lee Wulff Chapter to help building and repair multiple stiles in the WI Driftless... Read More
We are thrilled to welcome noted author and angler Jason Randall to our October GBTU meeting. His presentation is titled "10% of Anglers Catch 90% of... Read More
On Sept 25 volunteers from the GBTU chapter helped to provide fly casting lessons to participatants at the LFOLA's "Bagpipes & Bonfires event. We... Read More
UPDATE - GBTU Decorah Outing 2022 The Gary Borger Trout Unlimited Chapter Outing to Decorah, Iowa is open to all -- A fishing extravaganza!   Read More
Donate to GBTU to help support our mission and our conservation efforts here in the Midwest. Read More Read More
